Learning Plans:

I wanted to give some information to parents about what to expect for their third grader in my classroom this year. Every Monday there will be a new learning plan that goes home with your child. Please make sure to check their learning plan each and every night. Although they are starting to become more independent, they still need the accountability of getting their homework and reading done each night and having you sign it upon completion. We are trying to set great habits now that will last for years to come. Over the weekend, please make sure to remember to glance over their learning plan one more time, sign it, and send it back into class on Monday morning. I will be collecting these and students will earn participation points for turning these in filled out completely. Thanks for your help on this!

Reading A to Z (RAZ Kids):

I am so excited to have your child reading books at their level online this year!  The fun thing about doing their Reading A to Z reading this way verses through the paper books, is that they are able to earn "RAZ Rocket points" which can be used to spruce up their Reading A to Z rocket.  Having your child read their books online, allows me to login and review their books read and quizzes.

Expectations of RAZ reading

  • Students are expected to read a MINIMUM of one book per week at their current independent level. 
  • They are also required to take a quiz on that book.  The goal is to get 80% or higher on their quiz. 
  • A grade will be taken on their first attempt at the quiz. 
  • If they do not have "mastery" on the quiz after their first attempt, they must reread the story and take the quiz again.  Ultimately, we are trying to build on your child's comprehension of what they read. 
  • You should still be listening to your child's reading of their RAZ kids books.

A grade for your child reading their RAZ book and taking the comprehension quiz will be scored as follows:

  • 80% to 100% on first quiz attempt:  100 points
  • 70% to 79% on first quiz attempt:      80 points
  • 60% to 69% on first quiz attempt:      60 points
  • 59% or less on first quiz attempt:       40 points

Wish List: (updated July 2013)

I always have parents asking me if there is anything I need for the classroom.  So with that in mind, I am going to post and update my "wish" list for our classroom.  If you have the resources and desire to help us get something off of our wish list, please let Mrs. Trelz know.  Thank you for your generosity!

  1. SpellingCity.com Premium Class Subscription (Approximately $56):  In order for me to get a full Premium class subscription it would cost $49.99 for 25 students + $1.95 for each additional student.  I would like to get enough subscriptions for 28 users.  This would allow me to set myself up as a user to utilize the activities with the class on our projector to review the words in a fun way.
  2. Any used iPads or iPod touches are always on my wish list!  We use these wonderful devices in our reading block.
  3. Apple iTunes gift card (any amount!):  I can use these to purchase educational APPS for the devices we already have.  The apps we use are mostly freebies because they are FREE, but there really are some amazing apps that cost $$. 
  4. Glue sticks:  There are NEVER (ever) enough glue sticks in the world for third grade students.  We not only use glue in projects we are doing for Science, History, and holidays, we also glue into our writing journals each week as well!
  5. White copy paper:  We use plain white copy paper for projects we do throughout the month.
  6. Colored copy paper:  We don't use this nearly as much as the white, but it is nice to have some hand when we do need it.  I sometimes print special notices on colored paper so they remember to give them to you out of their dockets as well!


At this age, there aren't too many volunteer opportunities in the classroom.  However, I would LOVE to have parents volunteer for our classroom parties.  We could always use some helpful planning ideas and suggestions, as well as parents to come in and help run a game or center.  Without parents helping out, our party days just wouldn't run as smoothly as they do each year since coming to Mountainville.  Our room mother this year is _______.  Please send me an e-mail if you are interested in helping out with any class party this year and I will connect you with her. 

The other way to help out in a HUGE way is to volunteer for field trips.  Please make sure that your fingerprints are current with the school.  They are only good for two years and then you must have them done again.  This is the only way you can volunteer to help on field trips, so get it done early! 

Thank you!


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