Who We Are

I am Kristen Trelz, the lucky teacher to have such an amazing job with a great group of children. Our class currently has 28 active learners. We are located in the beautiful town of Alpine, Utah. We are nestled close to the mountains. The views from our classroom windows are priceless!

We would like to welcome you to our third grade classroom website! We hope the information you find here will be helpful and educational. Please do not hesitate to send us an e-mail letting us know what you think of all of our hard work. Come back throughout the school year to check out our amazing progress!

If you would like to learn more about Mrs. Trelz, please click here!


Our Classroom Mission Statement (2013-2014)   



We will strive each day,

In our work and play.

To show respect and do our personal best,

So we can rise above the rest

We are the leaders of today,

And in the future we will light the way.


We are awesome leaders who always are respectful,
We live the 7 Habits without being asked.

We love Mountainville,
And we always will.

We lift our heads up high all over the place,
Singing, "We will... We will ROCK THIS SCHOOL!

Our WIG (Wildly Important Goal)

Coming soon..

Leader in Me

As you may already know, our school is a Leader in Me school. We use the late Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effectively People in our daily lives. We are practicing our leadership skills, preparing us for the demands of the future. For more information about the Leader in Me program, please go check out their website.



I love using technology in the classroom!! I think I am a nerd at heart when it comes down to it!  My school has provided me with a laptop, voice projection system, digital projector, and three iPod touches.  A few years back, I purchased a very antiquated, but wonderful ELMO document camera on E-bay.  In the summer of 2012 I was lucky enough to have a generous donation of two computers and a laser printer from a local Utah business.  I then went out and bought the monitors, mice, and keyboard to make them usable.  Finally, my husband got me an Apple TV to use in my classroom to project my iPad.  I am excited to see the endless possibilities that all of this technology will bring to my teaching and my students’ learning this year!

Do you have any technology that your family or business is updating and would like to possibly donate to our classroom?  We are always looking for iPads, iPods that are in working order to use during our reading centers.  If you are updating your device and want to donate it, please let Mrs. Trelz know!  Thank you!



All images and content on this website are copyrighted and can't be used in any form without consent on this website or through contact with me.
http://school-dayz.com Copyright 2011