Teaching tomorrow's leaders...

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We have a lot of exciting things going on both at our school and in our classroom.  We are proudly a Leader in Me school.  This means our students learn about the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and how to apply them in their daily lives.  As a teacher, it is fun to see my students as leaders and the transformation my classroom and teaching has undergone through the years because of it.  Please take some time to look around our website.  Over time, I hope to add more information that will be useful to students, parents, and other visitors.  Thanks for stopping by! 

Weekly Spalding Spelling List

Spelling Words: Ayres List (section P: List 7)

Spelling Assessment: November 8, 2013

Of these 30 spelling words, 20 will
be selected for our Spelling Assessment:

Preparing for our Weekly Spelling Assessment:

I suggest you only study the 10 spelling words per night that we have covered in class for the day (see below).  Choose to review them at home with whatever method you think is best
for the learning needs of your child.  Then the day before the assessment, test your child on all 30 spelling words.  Have them practice any words they miss and make sure they are prepared for the assessment on Friday.

A great website to help your child practice their spelling words is  Spelling CityGo to this link to access our weekly spelling list: http://www.spellingcity.com/ktrelz

We will be writing the Spelling Words into our Spalding Notebooks and practicing in class as follows:
Monday:  We will be focusing on the first 10 words

Tuesday: We will be focusing on the next 10 words
Wednesday:  We will be focusing on the next 10 words
We will be reviewing all 30 words using a review game
Friday:  Spelling Test

Please note:  On a week where we only have four days, the first 15 words will be focused on in class on the first day of that school week, and the second 15 words will be focused on in class the second day.  The Spelling Assessment will still be given on the last day of the school week.  In the event that there are only three days or less in the week, our Spelling Assessment will not be given until the end of the next week.

For more information about Spalding, please go check out the Spalding page I have started creating with resources that I have found.

*Please note: All third grade students at Mountainville Academy are responsible for decoding and spelling words from the Extended Ayres Word List. Each week students are responsible for learning and maintaining Spalding phonemic sounds and applying them to their spelling work. Student’s weekly spelling assessments will be taken directly from the list. Every Friday, new words from the list are sequentially given (greater difficulty as the list progresses) for students to practice and master.


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